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Catalog Number: (97065-020)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Bradford's reagent, Biotechnology Grade for quantitative protein determination

Supplier: VWR
Description: Phenol:Chloroform pH 6.7/8.0 is premixed with isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1). A Phenol : Chloroform mixture is ideal for the extraction of protein from DNA preparations. Packaged at pH 6.7, this product is accompanied by a separate alkaline buffer for increasing the pH to 8.0. Doubly distilled, high purity phenol packaged under nitrogen. Safer, easier alternative to crystalline phenol.
Supplier: VWR
Description: At a concentration of 0.5μg/ml, ethidium bromide is useful in agarose or acrylamide gels for band detection. It is used to detect as little as 10ng of nucleic acid. At higher concentrations (0.5–1.0μg/ml), it may be used to facilitate purification of DNA in a cesium chloride gradient.
Supplier: VWR
Description: These optimized buffers for DNA capillary electrophoresis sequencing provide excellent results, long read lengths, high resolution, and consistent run times
Catalog Number: (71005-960)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Antibody Signal Enhancer is a Western blotting antibody diluent that increases intensity of protein detection up to 5-fold compared to conventional blotting. The enhancer is a ready-to-use solution that replaces TBS-T with non-fat dry milk, or other diluent, for antibody incubation steps. It is formulated for use with HRP- and biotin-conjugated antibodies and works with both PVDF and nitrocellulose blots.

Catalog Number: (97064-182)
Supplier: VWR

Supplier: VWR
Catalog Number: (97064-614)
Supplier: VWR
Description: A metalloprotease inhibitor useful for chelating iron and other divalent metals.

Catalog Number: (97064-490)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Specially denatured alcohol (SDA) 3C

Catalog Number: (97066-096)
Supplier: VWR

Catalog Number: (97062-128)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Linoleic acid, Ultrapure

Supplier: VWR
Description: Common source of salts for media propagation of many organisms.
Supplier: VWR
Description: Reagent for stabilization of buffer formulations and electrophoresis of biological molecules.
Supplier: VWR
Supplier: VWR
Description: An essential nucleotide triphosphate with a variety of roles in energy metabolism, signal transduction and nucleic acid metabolism.
Supplier: VWR
Description: Most routinely used blocking buffers in a variety of formats for convenience.
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* ATTN: California Customers may require additional documentation as part of the CA Health & Safety Code. Products that fall under this regulation will be placed on a mandatory 21-day hold after documentation is received. VWR will not lift restrictions for residential shipping addresses.

-Additional Documentation May be needed to purchase this item. A VWR representative will contact you if needed.
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This product is no longer available. Alternatives may be available by searching with the VWR Catalog Number listed above. If you need further assistance, please call VWR Customer Service at 1-800-932-5000.
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