CrossLab Quick Connect and Quick Turn Fittings for HPLC, Agilent Technologies

Supplier: Agilent Technologies
CrossLab InfinityLab
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CrossLab Quick Connect and Quick Turn Fittings for HPLC, Agilent Technologies
Tubing Chromatography Tubing
Finger-tight, reusable fittings for zero-dead-volume connections for your UHPLC.

  • Truly finger-tight connections mean no special training is needed, so differences in user style will not affect your chromatography
  • Spring-loaded design enables zero-dead-volume connections with all types of UHPLC columns as easily as pressing a lever
  • Reliable and reusable InfinityLab Quick Connect fittings are long lasting, reseal tightly, and are stable up to 1300 bar (18850 psi) even after 200+ reconnections
  • Fast, easy connections save time and trouble
  • Winner of the TASIA Award
  • Reduce the need for repetitive wrench work in tight spaces enhancing lab ergonomics

Agilent InfinityLab fittings with innovative spring-loaded design give you the complete confidence of a zero-dead-colume connection, helping you avoid the broad or tailing peaks, loss of resolution, and overall poor chromatographic performance associated with poorly connected fittings. InfinityLab Quick Connect fittings are truly finger tight up to 1300 bar, for column connections as easy as pressing a lever. For harder-to-reach areas on your LC instrument, the InfinityLab Quick Turn fitting produces either a finger-tight connection (up to 600 bar), or a 1300 bar connection with a mounting tool or a wrench.
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