RGB-286638 free base ≥98% (by HPLC)

2886-25 2886-5
76022-058EA 192.64 USD
76022-058 76022-060
RGB-286638 free base ≥98% (by HPLC)

RGB-286638 is a potent and selective cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor with IC₅₀ values of 1, 2, 3 and 44 nM for CDK9, CDK1, CDK2, and CDK4, respectively

Less potent against cyclin H-CDK7 and cyclin D3-CDK6. It inhibits cell cycle progression in cancer cells by targeting CDKs, and is also found to induce apoptosis. In a range of pre-clinical models of solid and hematological tumors, RGB-286638 treatment results in tumor regression and increased survival.

Storage Temperature: Freezer
CAS Number: 784210-88-4 

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