Gel Drying Frames, Diversified Biotech

Supplier: Diversified Biotech
AB-110760 AB-110762 AB-110763 AB-110761
490006-664EA 280.85 USD
490006-664 490006-662 490006-668 490006-666
Gel Drying Frames, Diversified Biotech
Trays/Dishes/Pots Drying Trays
Gel Drying Frames allow researchers to quickly and easily dry gels between two sheets of cellophane without the use of expensive heat/vacuum gel dryers

The 24 x 24 cm frames allow drying of larger format gels, while the 14 x 14 cm frames work well with minigels and most other formats. Packaged with 2 open frames, 2 solid back plates, 8 side clips, and 50 sheets of pre-cut cellophane.
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